The branding has begun!

10:39 PM kattadellic 0 Comments

People don't really take into account how much effort it really takes to start up a buisness, and market that buisness. Branding is all about getting out there and getting known, collaborating with other people who have the same ideas and seeing what you can do to work up. You have to do what every one else is doing, but yet be different and stand out.

Its hard. Fo' sho.

But I have faith. ^.^ This blog is the first really more professional blog I've started. I've started other successful blogs, but it felt like I was forcing my creative juices in order for it to be successful. No bueno. So this time around I'm really putting my best foot forward, although it is hard to put in a lot of time when there is that thing called life going on.

So here's what I promise, I promise to have my own outfit up on here every week and on instagram. Yes, I just started my very own instagram, . I hope to inspire and show that beauty comes in all sizes, even though I know that sounds cliche, its true. We plus size chicks are badass, and I think we are in a lot of ways feminist. Not don't take that the wrong way, its a compliment. Feminist just means we want everything to be equal, including size equality.

I also started a Pinterest board for all other inspiration, I have to admit I am a Pinterest addict. I cant help it, there's so much to look at. All the shiny wonders of pixels at the disposal of my finger tips. You can follow me here

I don't want to just have unoriginal content all the time, it kind of makes me cringe a bit when I see blogs that only repost other original ideas and expect to be exceptionally great as a blogger. That sounds kind of harsh, but its the truth. And that's what I do, I'm blunt and straight forward. I tell it like it is. If you are a blogger and are just reposting, that's all good! Its when people complain when they aren't going anywhere and just repost.

Anyways I look forward to talking with you guys, and posting some truly amazing original content that will inspire your fashion or maybe just everyday life. Oh yeah and its always good to laugh, so I may on occasion be a goofy mofo and post silly shite, hope you don't mind :P.

Cheers Dah-lings!