My First the Bride

7:03 PM kattadellic 1 Comments

I had a commitment ceremony this last weekend. And for those of you who aren't quite understanding that...let me somewhat explain, because I'm not sure I understand completely sometimes. My fiance and I are getting wasn't this last time, not officially or legally. This was specifically so my grandmas could be there or any other family that wouldn't be able to make it to our big wedding that we're going to do back here in Kentucky.

Steve thinks were married now, which we are in a way. But I'm having trouble feeling the effect of being someones wifey since the knot wasn't legally tied. Our big wedding is a year and a half away and its a long time to be in limbo, and I'm still only wearing my engagement ring. I think that's a big part of not feeling like its complete. Although Steve is wearing his wedding band. We still have yet to pick up mine, its safely tucked away in lay away for now. Who knows...once its out maybe I'll actually feel married, but I think it would be cool to first put it on for our 2016 wedding.

So anyways here are some of the photos from our informal wedding, we all looked pretty snazzy. I've been having some health problems lately that made me gain 20 pounds in a month. Of course it had to be the month that we did this right? So I'm feeling kinda blimpy in my photos and felt kinda humongous during the reception. I wasn't focused on anything else during the ceremony but Steve, it was a good ceremony. I actually cried during it! I never thought I would cry during my wedding ceremony but....ya laid plans. Then Steve cried and we set adrift our little origami boat in the creek we were standing over, that was supposed to signify our life joining as one together.

I'll start at beginning of everything and work my way till the end....

For some reason I went from Louisville to Tampa to Manchester. Lol who knows...

Made an adorable frenchie friend on the flight, he was a therapy dog

When I first arrived we started looking at the layout 

Tree Stumps for Flower Pots

The archway and bridge

Picking up my Dad and going to Maine for lunch

Kittery Maine, with a Tugboat pulling a Barge

My Grandma at the Cake tasting

The two different tiers of the cake

My Uncle laying down the mulch

Ladies lunch (all of my aunts and mom)

Just getting my nails done

At the florists

Shopping for flowers

Making the cake topper

Step 1: Add grapevine

Step 2: Add one side of floral vine

Step 3: Add all of the floral vine

Step 4: Add the center flowers

My mom told the people at Panera that I was getting married, lol.

When we first picked up my fiance Steve form the airport and went shopping, I think he was slap happy

Playing wth all the crafty stuff we had horded from Hobby Lobby

Jack was having fun too

Our Origami boat that we made

The night before

The Brides Bouquet!

The centerpieces

My Uncle Scott set up Fireworks right after

Wedding night at the Black Swan Inn

Going up to Oarweed, Cove Maine for Lobster the day after

Who can really pass up clam chowder in Maine?

I was armed and ready!

We found a bench by the cove

Lets take a selfie moment

Our flight out we had a long layover in Chicago, so we decided to make the best of it and get authentic cuisine

My favorite time to fly

I almost instantly framed this picture when I got home!

 All in all everything was pretty fun even though I didn't get to stay for as long as I would've liked. It was a week to remember....